Your historic website data is about to disappear


On 1st July 2024, Google are going to delete your website data permanently.

Why this matters to you?

If you do nothing, your historic website insights from 2012-2023 will be lost forever. You will not be able to compare your website performance from previous years and see how people behaved on your website. You will lose the ability to see which marketing channels drove the most traffic to your website. 

But don't worry, our team of technical specialists are able to secure your data for you. Ensuring you can easily view your data. Giving you confidence to continue accessing your valuable website insights.


How your website insights can enable profitable growth

1 | Understand customer behaviour and preferences

Your website data reveals valuable insights into your visitors' online behaviour and preferences over time. It highlights their browsing patterns, which pages they are interested in, the buttons they click and the journey they make before booking. This rich understanding can help you to improve your website to provide an enhanced user experience, to better meet their needs and utlimately drive more direct bookings. 

2 | Identify trends and opportunities

By reviewing your website data over time, you can spot emerging trends. These could be seasonal fluctuations and potential growth opportunities that you would otherwise not be able to see without this insight. Enable yourself to make decisions backed by your unique data, so you can stay ahead of the curve and drive higher satisfaction and loyalty. 

3 | Measure and refine your marketing activity

Keeping a record of your historic website data allows you to measure the effectiveness of your marketing. You can see which campaigns, emails, website pages or adverts really made the difference. Using this knowledge you can then ensure your marketing activity is even better and result in higher profitability. This also helps you to save money and time, allocating your resources to activities that work and know which energy draining tasks don't result in bookings. Maximising your return on investment. 

Secure your analytics data

with hospitality marketing specialist support

Your website analytics (Google Universal Analytics) contains years' worth of valuable insights about your website's performance. Backing up this data ensures that this invaluable information is preserved. Don't let years of website analytics go to waste. 

We’ve been hospitality marketing specialists for over 30 years and understand your business in a way only insiders can. We know the importance of measuring customer behaviour on your website and what makes bookers click.

Our technical and experienced team are skilled to backup your website data, so you'll be able to continue business as normal without interuptions. Saving you time and giving you peace of mind. Our one-stop Google analytics backup package is designed to take care of this for you. So you can focus on your day-to-day activities and what's important to you.

Save your data

What we'll do for you


1 | Export your Google Universal Analytics data

2 | Backup your analytics data on secure storage for 1 year* 

3 | Make an archive backup, for extra reliability

4 | Create a visual data dashboard, so you can easily access and preview your historic website insights

5 | A one-to-one call with our experts to show you how to access and understand your data


*We can transfer the data to you following year 1, or we can provide annual storage for £299+VAT /per year.


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