Share your brand values with tomorrow's travellers

Wednesday 17th July, 11:00am

Travellers are more conscious when deciding their next trip. Sustainability, accessibility, and inclusion are no longer just buzzwords – they are vital considerations that your guests make when booking. Recognising this paradigm shift, Clockwork Marketing has partnered with HotelREZ Hotels & Resorts to share insights on how you can market your hotel brand with purpose.

This immersive webinar will equip hoteliers, managers, and industry professionals with the knowledge and strategies to authentically communicate their values and resonate deeply with guests who prioritise ethical and responsible travel.


What you can expect from this webinar

On this webinar you will learn from Clockwork Marketing’s experts about:

  • The importance of knowing your brand 'why'
  • What travellers are searching for online
  • Methods to communicate how you are being an authentic brand
  • Examples of how other brands are talking about their values
  • Using your website to position your hotel

By aligning your brand messaging with your commitments to environmental sustainability, inclusivity, and accessibility, your hotel can attract a rapidly growing segment of conscious travellers seeking experiences that align with their personal values and connect with your guests on a much deeper level.

Nielsen's research reveals that 66% of consumers are more willing to make purchases from brands that prioritise ethical and sustainable practices. By positioning your hotel as a purpose-driven business, you can tap into this influential consumer base, driving not only increased direct bookings but also fostering brand loyalty and advocacy from guests who value authentic brand experiences.


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